
  • The English Teacher

    The English Teacher (e-ISSN 2716-6406) is Malaysia’s oldest ELT journal which has been in continuous publication since 1971.

    The English Teacher promotes research and reflection on effective English language teaching and learning, and it is intended for an audience of ELT instructors who are involved in teaching English to learners of all age groups.

    The English Teacher is an open access, refereed online journal published in three issues (April, August, December) annually.

    The journal is indexed by the Malaysian Citation Centre and the ASEAN Citation Index.

  • Malaysian Journal of ELT Research

    Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (e-ISSN 2716-6414) has been in publication since 2005.

    Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER) aims to advance knowledge of and to develop expertise in critical and scientific inquiry in English language teaching and learning. The journal is intended for academics, researchers, teacher educators and graduate students who are involved in research and dissemination of knowledge in the field.

    This refereed open access journal is published in two issues (June and December) annually.

    The journal is indexed by the Malaysian Citation Centre and also listed in the Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index.