The effectiveness of using Flipped Classroom Approach to teach adjectives to Malaysian Year 4 Chinese ESL learners


  • Teo Woon Chun Temenggong Ibrahim Campus Malaysia
  • Ramesh Sathappan Temenggong Ibrahim Campus Malaysia


Flipped Classroom Approach, traditional classroom approach, adjectives, Chinese ESL learners


This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using Flipped Classroom Approach to teach adjectives for Malaysian Year 4 Chinese ESL learners. It is also designed to examine Malaysian Year 4 Chinese ESL learners’ perceptions towards Flipped Classroom Approach. An experimental and control group which consisted of 10 Malaysian Year 4 Chinese ESL learners respectively in Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan X were formed to be the research participants in this study. This intervention focused on the experimental group using Edmodo to acquire input before the lesson, whereby the control group followed the traditional classroom approach. The study aimed to investigate the differences of both experimental and control groups’ performance after learning adjectives with different approaches. The quasi-experimental study used several instruments to collect the data, namely pre- and post- tests as well as questionnaire. Based on the findings, there is a significant difference among the experimental group participants in learning adjectives with Flipped Classroom Approach compared to traditional teaching approach. The Flipped Classroom Approach is effective to grasp knowledge during face-to-face lesson as participants had acquired the relevant input online before the lesson. This study has provided the findings and relevant information for policymakers, teachers, parents and pupils on the implementation of Flipped Classroom Approach in a Malaysian primary ESL classroom. Nonetheless, the results are pertaining to the given context and yet to be generalised.


