About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER) aims to advance knowledge of and to develop expertise in critical and scientific inquiry in English language teaching and learning. The journal is intended for academics, researchers, teacher educators and graduate students who are involved in research and dissemination of knowledge in the field.

This refereed open access journal is published in two issues (June and December) annually.

Authors are invited to submit articles that focus on new theoretical perspectives, syntheses of research, discussions of methodological issues and scholarly analyses of issues in ELT. Articles may also include debates on a variety of perspectives, policy and theories, investigations of alternative modes of research in ELT, examination of trends in ELT and the advancement of knowledge and understanding of effective English language teaching and learning.

The journal is indexed by the Malaysian Citation Centre and also listed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index.


Publication Ethics

Authors, reviewers and the editorial team are guided by the code of ethics presented HERE. Authors submitting papers to the Malaysian Journal of ELT Research are advised to read the code of ethics before moving forward with the submission process.