Design Principles of a Responsive Pedagogical Model for Multimodal Skills of Oral Presentation


  • Lee Sze Seau UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Action Research, Higher Education, Multimodal, Oral Presentation Skills, Pedagogy


Within the scope of pedagogy, established methods have been found to be incongruous with the multimodal skills required of oral presentations in the 21st century. Despite pedagogical innovations situated in native-speaking and advanced countries being so productive in experimenting with pedagogical techniques for various types of oral skills, multimodal skills of oral presentations have still been overlooked. The author is a practitioner in Malaysian higher education who struggles with this pedagogical dilemma in her daily professional life. Therefore, to respond to this practical issue and theoretical gap, the author designed a pedagogical model named the Responsive Multimodal Oral Presentation Pedagogy (RMO2P) to respond appropriately and proactively to the gap in oral presentation pedagogy. A practical action research that was based on McNiff & Whitehead’s (2011) action-reflection cycle was implemented in a tertiary Malaysian classroom for 13 weeks contributed to five applicable and theoretically- informed design principles of RMO2P which are based on the spirit of responsiveness. It is hoped that the explicit discussion on its design principles could inspire other teachers with no external funding and sophisticated technical expertise to embark on research for pedagogical improvement.


