Monitoring Preservice Teachers’ Language Assessment Literacy Development through Journal Writing


  • ERIKA MARCELA RESTREPO BOLIVAR Universidad Católica Luis Amigó Colombia


language assessment literacy, language assessment, teacher education, pre-service teachers, classroom-based assessment


Researchers in the field of language assessment literacy (LAL) remark the need to strengthen assessment and testing courses in undergraduate teacher education programs. Several studies conclude that in-service language teachers lack the knowledge, skills and principles to conduct sound assessment practices in their classrooms. In order to contribute to local and global discussions on prospective teachers’ LAL development, the current paper reports on the implementation of the learning journal as a tool to monitor candidate EFL teachers’ progress in an assessment and testing course at the Faculty of Education in a private university in Colombia. Results reveal substantial modifications in student teachers’ understandings regarding the definition and purposes of language assessment, students’ and teachers’ roles, the what and how of assessment, ethical considerations, and desirable classroom-based assessment practices. Moreover, the research offers insights into the influence of teacher educators’ assessment practices on pre-service teachers’ LAL development.


