Implementing a pronunciation component into a course syllabus


  • Charles Jannuzi University of Fukui
  • Robert Dykes Jin-ai University
  • Kumiko Dykes University of Fukui


pronunciation teaching, pronunciation learning, lexical approach


This article presents a specific plan for implementing and integrating a pronunciation strand into a spoken English course syllabus that lacks one (e.g., oral communication, English speaking, English conversation, etc.). The model also can be applied to ESL situations as well as the teaching of other languages. Rather than treating pronunciation as a secondary or marginal language skill or sub-skill, pronunciation is considered essential to successful L2 learning in other areas. That is, it is best taught as "applied phonology" in support of L2 learning using a lexical approach. By "lexical approach" it is meant that pronunciation materials should be based on the most frequent words of English and the vocabulary selected for a course syllabus.


