Utilizing Dual Coding Theory and animated images to enhance ESL students’ vocabulary learning


  • Wan Zulkifli Wan Kassim Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


vocabulary, glosses, CALL, multimedia


This study utilized Paivio’s Dual Coding Theory and multimedia glosses to investigate the effects of animated images, when shown simultaneously with verbal information, on ESL students’ vocabulary learning. Two groups of low-intermediate adult ESL learners took the target word pretest prior to the experiment. During the experiment, both groups read the same electronic text but the target words were glossed differently, with the Malay translations and animated images for the treatment group, and the Malay translations plus static images for the comparison group. Immediately after the experiment, both groups retook the same test. One week later, the groups took the delayed posttest. Two 2x2 mixed-factorial ANOVAs were run, one using the scores of the immediate postttest, the other using the scores of the delayed posttest, to determine if the scores of both groups were statistically significant. The results showed that the group with access to animated images retained more target words. Further pedagogical implications are discussed.


