Developing Software for Dynamic Displaying of Chunks to Enhance Reading Efficiency


  • AKINOBU KANDA Tokyo Metropolitan University
  • TAKANE YAMAGUCHI Waseda University
  • EIICHI YUBUNE Toyo University
  • RYUJI TABUCHI Mint Phonetics Education Institute


CALL Software, Chunking, Reading Efficiency, Oral Reading, Display Mode


In a CALL environment for Japanese EFL university students, we have long been successfully enhancing students’ reading efficiency (RE) using customised application software with a dynamic display of chunked text. In this practice, students read silently or aloud a certain number of passages using a software named Mint in each lesson. In order to assess the learning effects of this practice, we measured students’ WPM (Words per Minute) and comprehension rate, and provided affective questionnaires in pre- and post- test during one semester. Under such conditions, the recent attempt of phonetic training to enhance RE has had some significant effects. However, in 2014, we revised our software to allow more precise measurement of WPM and comprehension rate, and to provide instant feedback. More importantly, this new software, Mewm, integrates the effect measurements and classroom practice, so that students can see their results not only in the pre- and post-tests but in every lesson. This integrative software has the potential to motivate our students and facilitate their reading efficiency, acting as a pacemaker. Finally, we examine the potential of this software according to responses from students who tentatively used it during one semester.


