Metacognitive Reading Strategies Of Good Malaysian Chinese Learners


  • Abdul Rashid Mohamed Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Junie Chew Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan Universiti Sains Malaysia


The purpose of this study is to determine the awareness and use of metacognitive reading strategies of good readers. Current practices in Malaysian English language classrooms do not emphasize the importance of employing metacognitive reading strategies to facilitate critical understanding of the reading text and meaningful engagement between the learner and the text. A glance at literature reviews in the Malaysian context also indicates the shallow nature of understanding of metacognitive strategies of good learners. The benefits of examining good readers’ metacognitive strategies are far- reaching. Teachers armed with such useful knowledge can learn more about how to ignite and improve weaker learners’ general reading capabilities thus leading to successful comprehension of reading materials. Such a powerful tool in the hands of teachers can lead to positive changes and outcomes in the classroom situation, as far as the teaching and learning of reading comprehension is concerned.


