Why a career-oriented and learner-centered undergraduate English curriculum is necessary in Bangladesh?


  • Obaid Wali University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh


curriculum, learner, skill, development, stakeholder


One of the goals of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is to provide knowledge and skills to all learners. An updated curriculum can play a vital role in achieving that goal in Bangladesh. The National Education Policy 2010 of Bangladesh also puts much emphasis upon skills development through modernized education. Curriculum, the blueprint of any education system, is expected to uphold the expectations of teachers, students and job providers. With rapid development in each sector, we can hope for unprecedented development in English curriculum at undergraduate level. Earlier, studying English meant only the study of literature. This focus has shifted to the study of language teaching because of market demand, though literature dominates. Now English graduates are opting for a variety of professions including teaching and civil service. At present there is no standard undergraduate English curriculum in Bangladesh. The existing incomplete and literature- oriented English curricula at public and private universities are not adequate to meet the demands of the job market as opined by the country’s leading educationists. In such circumstances, it is easily perceivable that existing English curriculum needs to be redesigned as skill-based and job-oriented curriculum is much sought-after. This study focuses upon the drawbacks of existing undergraduate English curriculum and establishes the rationale behind going for a reformed curriculum which will be learner-centered and career-oriented. Based on document analysis, focused group discussions(FGD) and in-depth interview, the study’s findings will be of immense importance to policy makers and curriculum planners at tertiary level.


