The Role of Speed of Lexical Retrieval in Continuous Second Language Fictional Essays
Speed of lexical retrieval, ESL writing, strong verbsAbstract
This study attempts to explore the relative importance of speed of lexical retrieval in improving continuous writing in a second language. The research was designed under the paradigm of quantitative research. It was observed that many students are unable to write good fictional essays due to their inability to use strong verbs to describe specifically the activities of their characters which have rendered their essays dull and boring. Furthermore, as these students could not retrieve words or grammatical structures in the second language fluently, they were unable to write 350 words in the fictional continuous writing category within the limited time given (one hour). It can be inferred that speed of lexical retrieval would help to improve second language learner’s writing skills. This study involved 34 average Malay students. Therefore, exercises in the form of strong verbs were given and tests were conducted to measure whether students were able to use strong verbs quickly and improve the writing performance in the second language. The results show that the usage of strong verbs had indeed helped to improve ESL students’ accuracy in their written work and the speed of lexical retrieval had increased as well.