Evaluation of Students’ Experience on Usage of Interactive Whiteboard for Verbal Presentation in An English Language Classroom
Module Evaluation, Interactive Whiteboard and Technology Integration in ClassroomsAbstract
The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a module using Interactive White Board (IWB) as an interactive presentation tool in a Foundation classroom. The English 1 Foundation module conducted at a private institution of higher education, in the Klang Valley was selected for this study. A development research method based on ADDIE’s model was [selected] the methodology adopted. This development research process is divided into three phases namely i) analysis, ii) design and development, and iii) implementation and evaluation. This study focuses on the data collected for the third phase, which is the implementation and evaluation phase. Data were collected from surveys done by the students from two groups: the dependent group (presentation with PowerPoint) and the independent group (presentation with Interactive WhiteBoard). The data gathered were analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis to identify the students’ perceptions about using Interactive WhiteBoard, as a presentation tool. Five factors were extracted based on Eigen value greater than 1. The findings indicated that generally, students’ perceptions about IWB as a presentation tool, were positive. Overall, it is suggested that for English 1 oral presentations, the use of Interactive WhiteBoard could enhance interactive presentations and 21st century learning skills among students.